Residential Licensing Program News!
Stay Informed!
If “Obtaining a Denver Rental License” has been sitting on your “To Do” list for way too long, this blog can help you get it checked off!
First of all, this post should not be taken as legal advice. I am going to share the information, tips and tricks that I’ve learned through navigating this process myself. Your property, your inspector and ownership structure may be different so you may have a different experience. Second, the rules for this program have been evolving and will likely continue to evolve. Third, there are a several types of landlords that don’t need to do the entire process we outline below. If you only rent your property out for less than 30 days at a time you don’t need this license, you need a short term rental license.
3 Steps to Get Your Denver Rental License
I have broken the process into three main steps, which are outlined below. In each step I will include some tips and tricks based on our experiences. It’s important that you go through the 3 steps in the correct order or you will waste time and money.
1. Pre-Inspection of your Property:
The first step is to pre-inspect your property and make sure it’s in good shape so it will pass the actual inspection you have to do in step 2. Why do this pre-inspection first? We suggest doing this first because if during your actual inspection they find you have non-compliant items, such as expired smoke detectors, you may have to pay the inspector to come and re-inspect the property after the non-compliant items are corrected. Save yourself some money and time by preparing your property to pass inspection the first time.
Ok so how do you do this pre-inspection?
Denver has created a “ Rental Program Inspection Checklist Guidebook."
2. Property Inspection:
Now that you have performed your due diligence, it’ is time to hire an inspector who is certified in the Denver Rental License program to inspect your home. Once you pass your inspection the company will provide you with all the paperwork that you need to then go forward with the city license application in step 3.
What happens if you fail for non-compliance on an item? If this happens you need to have the home re-inspected and it can cost from $59 – $195 based on the inspectors I spoke with. This reinspection must happen within 90 days so you can move forward with the application within that timeframe, otherwise you have to do a completely new inspection. So once you start the process see it through and get it done in 90 days.
3. License Application with Denver:
Whew! Now that you have completed your pre-inspection, resolved any issues and passed your third-party inspection, it is now time to apply for the Denver rental license!
Unfortunately, this can be the trickiest part because the online system is janky and at times slow.
Checklist of items you will need for your application:
Pictures of the front of IDs for all property owners combined in one PDF
Articles of Organization (if you own the property in an LLC)
Completion of a third party Inspection checklist showing you’ve passed
Certificate showing your inspector is certified by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) or the Master Inspector Certification Board. (Don’t worry, your inspector will also give you this after your inspection!)
Certificate showing your inspector is certified as an R5, C5, or C8 Combination Building Inspector by the International Code Council (ICC). (Don’t worry, your inspector will also give you this after your inspection!)